
Digital Wallet

Convenience and safety for your business and for your customers Improved comfort, enhanced security and better expenses tracking with Paylivre’s digital wallet!

A digital wallet is an electronic version of a traditional wallet or a payment card which is authorized to conduct transactions on the user’s behalf. This wallet can be used on a mobile device or desktops and laptops and is a great alternative for customers who do not have a bank account or a credit card, offering great practicality and safety at the same time.

Paylivre’s digital wallet will provide a more convenient, fast and safe transaction processing method for your customers and will give your business a competitive edge and far more reach in the Brazilian market. Here is why:

Time-Saving Method

Users are able to get through a purchase in mere seconds, making the experience of purchasing items and transfering money quicker and easier – leading to a greater sense of satisfaction.

Reassured Safety

Since it requires the users authorization in every transaction, the digital wallet offers more security for the user. If someone tries to steal or try to hack their smartphone without permission, it would be almost impossible to get access to their money. Also, all the data stored in the API is encrypted and never sent to third-party organizations. 


In addition, Paylivre scores the highest rank in the most rigorous security tests that assess the communication between you and our system: the SSL A+ certification. 


All communication with our website requires HTTPS communication. Sensitive data is stored on encrypted volumes and credentials are stored with non-reverse encryption, which ensures safe storage and transit of information.

Payments and international 

transfers on easy mode

The user doesn’t have to waste time keeping dozens of cards inside of a wallet or purse as well or searching for them every time. Everything the users need is close at hand, easily managed, and easy to use. It also allows the user to analyze their savings each week or month in order to manage their expenses better.

So, do you want to reach the full potential of the Brazilian market and have high conversion rates while giving your Brazilian customers a great experience with a lot of options? We have the best digital payment solutions for your business.