
Paylivre Foundations

We believe that with access to the right opportunities, everybody has the power to fulfill their dreams and achieve their goals. We know that small gestures can generate huge results and contribute to changing people’s lives.  

Inclusion and better opportunities

Paylivre Institute works for digital inclusion and better opportunities in the job market for people in situations of vulnerability, especially women, offering the necessary support so that they have a dignified life and can grow and dream of a better future, through assistance, guidance and, above all, affection and reception for those in need.

Conceived by our CEO, Marcos Oliveira, the NGO was born to connect people who want to do good for others, through actions, donations and care.

Check out some of our initiatives!

Dev Start Paylivre

Paylivre offered a free php back-end program, with an emphasis on the development of the main soft and hard skills and language improvement in lines of code for 100 fellows at Be Academy, one of the main executive education schools in Brazil.

The program lasted three months. Among the more than 1000 applicants, 20 were selected for the opportunity to work at Paylivre in one of the most promising areas with a starting salary between BRL 3k and BRL 7k.

César Maia Community, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Instituto Paylivre carried out a social action in the César Maia Community, in Rio de Janeiro, where more than 400 food baskets and toys were distributed to local families, with a day of great entertainment for families and children in the community.

Interested in the project? Be yourself a volunteer too!