
How pix can increase your conversion rates

The Pix revolution in Brazil continues apace, and the horizon for its growth seems endless. This is the central message that the Central Bank of Brazil recently conveyed through the Pix Management Report. This comprehensive study analyzed the development of the payment system from its launch in November 2020 until the end of 2022, highlighting its widespread use both among ordinary citizens and in the retail sector.

Pix: From Zero to Hero

The Central Bank observed one of the most remarkable transformations when comparing the last quarter of 2021 with the first quarter of 2022. In this period, there was a remarkable leap from 3.9 billion Pix transactions to 4.3 billion, with an emphasis on the use of Pix in retail transactions.

The exponential growth of Pix, both in number and relevance, is undeniable. This instant payment method is proving to be an increasingly popular and practical alternative to other forms of payment.

Outperforming the competition

When comparing Pix with boletos and credit cards, we can clearly see its predominance increasing. In the last quarter of 2022, Pix accounted for an impressive 33% of all financial transactions in Brazil. In contrast, boletos and credit cards accounted for just 17% and 18% of transactions respectively.

But why did Pix outperform its competitors? One of the reasons given by the report is the agility offered by Pix compared to credit card payments. While the latter often involves delays in the availability of funds and associated annual costs, Pix stands out for its efficiency and speed.

Value in transactions

Although Pix has dominated in terms of the number of transactions, it lags behind other payment methods when it comes to the total value of transactions. Traditional transfers such as TED, DOC and TEC, as well as boletos, still lead in this respect.

This is because Pix is often used for lower-value payments, while traditional transfers and boletos are more common choices for high-value transactions.

The future of Pix

Pix's impressive success is no coincidence. The combination of ease of use, security and agility has made it the preferred option for many Brazilians. And the future looks even brighter as more establishments adopt this payment method and Pix's functionalities continue to evolve.

With Pix's growing acceptance, it's likely that more businesses will begin to adopt it as a standard payment method, which will only boost its popularity even further.


In summary, Pix has established itself as a dominant force on the payments scene in Brazil. Its continued growth and widespread adoption show that this system is here to stay.

Although there is still room for improvement and adjustment, there is no doubt that Pix has revolutionized the way Brazilians handle their everyday finances. Its agility, security and convenience have made it a preferred choice for low and medium value transactions.

Pix's future looks promising, with the potential to continue attracting more users and merchants. As more people experience the benefits of Pix, its role in Brazil's financial landscape is only set to grow. Click here to find out more.

If you want more information on how to increase your site's sales conversion rate, see how PIX by Paylivre can take your site to 99% conversion rates.

About Paylivre

Founded in 2019, Paylivre is one of the largest payment intermediaries in Brazil, developing solutions for borderless digital payments to companies around the world.

With a focus on the customer, deep knowledge of the market and passion for what we do, we conquer companies around the world and offer new possibilities in payments in Latin America in a practical and safe way.

Offer more security and protection to your user with our robust infrastructure and proprietary technology. Click here and discover how Paylivre can offer you the best borderless digital payment solution.