
What does it take to be a successful start-up?

Some steps are essential for consistent growth.

Conquering space in the corporate environment is not a simple task, but some tips can be useful in this process. Therefore, it is important to invest in the right aspects, aiming at strengthening:

• Internal, through a polishing of employees and an improvement of systems.

• External, through efficient disclosure and fair delivery of goods and services.

Want to understand more about this whole relationship? Continue to our article!

Where to start?                                             

Before you begin, it is necessary to study and understand the market in which your project will be entering. In this way, all the main risks and opportunities will be mapped and more achievable, even if they occur unexpectedly. For this, it is worth talking to professionals with a lot of experience and seeking relevant mentoring for each area.

However, gaining these contacts may not be a simple task, as it involves the need to gain good relationships with very well-established people who may not want to take risks. So, you need to know where to invest your energies.

Some private projects, business fairs and niche events can be some of the alternatives for doing what we conventionally call networking. However, this varies from sector to sector and can generate better results depending on each perspective.

The first step

Once you understand all the space your start-up is going to enter, start establishing a necessary, efficient, and plausible product that is amenable to a growing business. After all, trying to start an enterprise from the top can generate very high risks. In these cases, the ideal is to build a gradual evolution, programmed to grow in the short, medium and long term.

Choose an impressive name, preferably considering the pillars of simplicity and objectivity. Then create a branding that speaks to this entire set. This entire process can be considered preliminary, so it's important that all this work is done at this point. If this is not possible, look for solutions as soon as possible.

The second step

While still theoretical, this step is as important as any you'll read about in our article. At this point, establish a business plan, which will serve as a roadmap for the actions that will be taken in your company's future.

It is worth noting that it is worth planning the moment of sale of your company at this stage. In other words, create a product or service that can be absorbed by a larger company without major obstacles.

In addition, this draft must define the budgets for each of your goals, everything explained in a detailed, coherent and realistic way. This is essential for developing the next step we are going to discuss, related to the “physical application” of the project.

The third step

This is the time to start taking everything off the paper. For this, it is important to win investors and supporters who believe in your idea, and who consider your plan as something possible to be carried out. In saying that, it's time to go back two houses to strengthen relationships with individuals from the first step.

Through these conversations and mentoring, it will be possible to improve the previous two points and, if all goes well, acquire financial and structural support. But take it easy, patience is a virtue. If this level becomes a bigger hurdle than expected, persist and work to improve your idea through constructive criticism from professionals in your industry.

Then comes the time to apply this amount earned in a qualified team to develop your initiative. Be fair and do not seek to devalue these professionals, as their success depends on the performance of this category.


A survey released by the University of California in 2018 demonstrated what many entrepreneurs understand as common sense. According to the entity's data, happy employees can be, on average, 31% more productive. And don't worry, this isn't directly related to money.

Happiness can be working in a promising environment with a high prospect of development. Therefore, it is worth investing in courses, seminars, and other professional advancement activities. In addition, having a comfortable and pleasant environment can be an extremely important differential to stand out from the competition.

So, assess your priorities. The salary increase for a specific sector can be converted into a rest area, for example. Finally, research, investigate and explore innovative alternatives, even if there is no consensus regarding their results. After all, mistakes are, above all, learning.

The fourth step

Start the process of promoting your brand through the most efficient channels for it. To find out, market research can be carried out through third parties specialized in this segment. Once this data is revealed, make applications according to the return that each sector can offer, based on information about your persona or your target audience.

As much as some social networks offer more return than others, try to be plural and be present in as many environments as possible. In addition, establish your own portal to feed your potential consumers present at all stages of the sales funnel, a strategy used in digital marketing. Among the most viable possibilities are blogs and copyright sites.

Plus, look at every device you can, from desktops to tablets. But it is worth mentioning to direct many of your efforts to cell phones.

A survey carried out by the Applied Information Technology Centre, an area belonging to the São Paulo School of Business Administration of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EAESP), revealed that Brazil has more than 234 million cell phones spread across its territory. In more direct numbers, this means that there is currently more than one device per inhabitant.

The moment to shine.

Of course, what we are offering is not a manual for success, the idea is to be a broad and straightforward guide. However, we relied on solid information to make this article grounded in relevant content. By following all these steps, your company will be increasingly able to conquer a corporate space.