
Legalization of gambling in Brazil: What you need to know

The bill now goes to the Senate, where it will be debated and deliberated before becoming law.

The Chamber of Deputies has taken a significant step forward by approving Bill 442/1991, which legalizes and regulates various types of gambling in Brazil. This bill, which had been awaiting approval for decades, encompasses casinos, bingos, online games and the traditional jogo do bicho. The bill now goes to the Senate, where it will be deliberated before becoming law.

Details of the legislation

Casinos in integrated resorts: Casinos will be allowed in resorts that offer luxury hotels, convention centers, restaurants and shopping areas. The casino area will be limited to 20% of the total resort area, ensuring a diversified focus on entertainment and accommodation.

Bingos and Jogo do Bicho: Bingos will be able to operate permanently in their own premises and large stadiums. Jogo do Bicho will be regularized, formalizing this popular practice in Brazil.

Taxation and allocation of resources: The bill establishes a rate of 17% for Cide-Jogos on operators' gross revenue, after deduction of prizes paid. The funds will be earmarked for sports, culture, public safety and animal protection. There will also be a 15% tax on players' net winnings.

Regulation and oversight: A regulatory agency will be created to oversee the gaming sector, implementing the National Gaming and Betting System (SINAJ) and the National Prohibited Register (Renapro). The agency will guarantee a safe and transparent environment, adopting strict measures to prevent money laundering and promote responsible gambling.

Economic and social impact: The legalization of gambling could generate significant revenues for the government, boost tourism and create thousands of jobs, boosting economic development in various regions. However, the proposal faces criticism over the low tax rate and concerns about the rise in gambling addiction. The legislation provides for protection and prevention policies to mitigate these risks.

Future prospects

With approval in the Chamber of Deputies, the expectation now falls on the Senate, where the bill can be adjusted before becoming law. The regulation of gambling in Brazil promises to bring new dynamism to the economy and the entertainment sector, bringing the country into line with practices already adopted in various parts of the world.

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