
Evolution of Pix: News and expectations for 2024

The Central Bank's instant payment system continues to evolve to meet the demands of the financial market and consumers. Find out about the planned updates and their implications for the digital business landscape.

Automatic Pix is one of the most eagerly awaited new features. Due to be launched later this year, it will offer a convenient form of recurring payment, such as service subscriptions, directly from users' bank accounts, simplifying processes and reducing defaults.

Another innovation is Pix offline, which will enable payments even in areas without an internet connection, such as rural areas, increasing accessibility and convenience for users.

The possibility of paying in installments via Pix is currently being discussed, and has the potential to revolutionize the online payment market by making it possible to pay for purchases in installments. However, there are still challenges to be faced, such as managing the risk of default.

In addition, consideration is being given to the implementation of Pix international, which has the potential to simplify the process of sending remittances and payments abroad, facilitating more comprehensive global financial integration.

For Paylivre's customers, this means access to a payment platform that goes hand in hand with this innovation, offering the most advanced features and the best user experiences. Ultimately, these changes strengthen Paylivre's position in the digital payments market, both in Brazil and internationally.

About Paylivre

Founded in 2019, Paylivre is one of the largest payment intermediaries in Brazil, developing solutions for borderless digital payments to companies around the world.

With a focus on the customer, deep knowledge of the market and passion for what we do, we conquer companies around the world and offer new possibilities in payments in Latin America in a practical and safe way.

Offer more security and protection to your user with our robust infrastructure and proprietary technology. Click here and discover how Paylivre can offer you the best borderless digital payment solution.