
PIX hits a new record: R$52.3 million in just one day!

9 out of 10 transfers are already made by this system. Learn how to offer this facility on your website and talk to our experts.

The practicality of transferring money between accounts or paying for your purchases at any time, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, has made Pix a fan favorite for Brazilians. Operating for just over a year, this paying method has the approval of 99% of the audience between 18-24 years old, according to a recent survey made by the Brazilian Federation of Banks. Today, the monthly growth in Pix transactions is 62% and 9 out of 10 transfers are already made by using it.

To fully understand its growth and reach in Brazilians day-to-day life, more than R$52 million in transactions were carried out in just one day, on January 7th, a record that will most likely be surpassed soon. Pix's convenience and speed have given new horizons and brought new international markets for Brazilians, who spent more than US$618 million on November 2021 alone, confirming that Pix is the strongest tendency today when it comes to payment methods. 

Paylivre offers the same experience for those who want to make international transactions in a safe, practical, and quick way. 

Do you want to offer this practicality on your website? Click here and talk to our experts. Pix can represent an increase of up to 360% in your transaction approval rate, besides improving the user experience, increasing their satisfaction rate, and your retention rate.